Personal Journey of my PGCE

Journey of a teacher: The brief was to produce a piece of work that represents my personal journey in becoming a secondary teacher. This gave a lot of freedom as there was no restrictions or guidance in the media, size or format.


I displayed my journey as a teacher through a concertina book following the key stage of my PGCE in frames. This idea stems from a gallery visit sectioning what I anticipate as the main parts of my progression over the coming year. I used a fine liner to accentuate the detail and small parts of pencil crayon to colour highlights in each frame.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This reflection is from a visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Tuesday 21st August 2018.

The striking work of Giuseppe Penone is the first art we visited. The work is presented in an exhibition called ‘A Tree in the Wood’. This focused on the way wood holds memory and the passing of time. One piece in particular was a large outdoor sculpture called ‘Lightning-struck Tree’, this was an eye-catching tree crafted from bronze and gold. As an outdoor exhibition this piece is able to catch the sunshine making it an even more sticking piece of art.

James Turrell’s ‘Deer Shelter Skyspace’ is a place that never fails to take my breath away. It is never what you are expecting when you visit this underground bunker in the middle of the park. The stone and brick hidden in a hill, does not give any clues to the crisp and tranquil interior. Best seen on a partly cloudy day this piece of art takes you out of the world for a few minutes and allows your mind to fall quiet.

For something completely unique and new there is ‘Seizure’ by Roger Hiorns. An amazing piece of creativity; copper sulphate crystals in an arrangement both bizzar and inspiring. This instillation is small and confined with knowledgable staff that fully explain the process that took place to create this piece.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an amazing setting with a vast range of work; installations, formal gallery space, and juxtaposing sculptures in a beautiful landscape. I will look forward to my next visit.



Natural Form – Roses

The subject in the piece is a group of pink roses, chosen because of the challenge of fine details in the petals and soft changes in tone. Six Rose buds from an overhead perspective give the view of the inner complex sections of the flowers, with several overlaying petals and indicate shadows.

This A1 image is painted with Acrylic onto corrugated cardboard, the combination of these materials creates a contrast with the rough uneven edges of the cardboard and the precise use of the paint. There is a natural colour pallet of pinks and light green, with strong contrasting dark shadows behind the flowers. Softer colours would be more suitable with the subject and could create a more photorealist image. By using corrugated cardboard the work has an uneven texture. Each petal has a clear distinction and strong lines, this is needed with many petals in the piece. 

Overall the handing of material has been successful with a good accuracy in the images details. The bold and consistent colour gives this piece is a warm and cheerful atmosphere.