Gothic in Art


The 18th century movement of enlightenment shaped the era known as the age of reason. Science was praised and the human culture was studied because only the concrete knowledge was trusted. This meant folk law, superstition and pagan traditions were ostracized. In art this is shown through recording the human response to science, this work was highly dramatic. The art of this time also included the idealised man of a heroic figure, this work has very controlled compositions. I feel mesmerised by these images and like how each figure is arranged to give a very particular message.

Gothic is the opposite of enlightenment, just as light is the opposite of dark and you cannot have one without the other. Obviously not everyone shared opinions and agreed with enlightenment, the Gothic movement saw the uncontrollable animal part of humanity. I agree that violence, cruelty and anger is just as much to be human as logic. I like how the established authority is challenged and I like that the art questions our relationship with our world e.g. man over nature / nature over man of the power of man to play god. Some areas of gothic work I think are very intellectual and well thought through for example, the dread in fairy tales of monsters and evil creatures. Another depicts emotional and moral decay, although some are disturbing this art exposes a very real part of live which is often concealed.